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Restaurant Management

Personalized Menu

Build and update your restaurant menu fast and easily from anywhere.  Keep your staff informed on your menu items and show mouthwatering photos of your drinks and dishes to your customers.

  • Update your menu on any device, from anywhere
  • Keep staff informed with dish details, allergens, or beer and wine pairings.

Adjustable Floor Plan

Your restaurante is never too busy.  Update your floor plan in real-time to accommodate last-minute reservations and big groups.

  • Color indicators to show the status of the tables (free, occupied, ready to pay, etc.
  • Add or remove tables to accommodate the rush
  • Custom images for tables, seats, and decor to represent your space

Stock Management

Keep track of what items you have in stock so you never run out of your best-selling items.

  • Modify your stock count in real-time from any device
  • Avoid disappointing customers by ordering something that is out of stock
  • Report on food cost and profit to make decisions for your menu

Kitchen Display System

The kitchen is always a busy space.  Improve back and front of the house communication and increase efficiency with our Kitchen Display System.

  • Detailed view of every order, including images, modifiers, and timer
  • Sort through orders with filters to see what’s new, preparing, or done.
  • Set up sound notifications to alert cooks of new orders
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